Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Risk of Petrochemical Companies Research Paper

The Risk of Petrochemical Companies - Research Paper Example Contemporary industrial period greatly relies on the utilization of numerous capably hazardous chemical substances. Wastes of petrochemical companies are harmful. These risks could be divided into three criteria, namely, (1) ergonomic harm, (2) fires/explosion, and (3) environmental contamination. Apparently, the major problem is how to effectively decrease such potential hazards in petrochemical companies. Petrochemical companies belong to a chemical system dependent on the products of gas and oil, and related processing of natural gas and petroleum. Hazardous wastes, on the other hand, are those which create a considerable risk or possible danger to the health of living beings for these are naturally deadly, constant, and non-degradable. Hazardous wastes are basically toxic, reactive, corrosive, and flammable (Jasanoff 1994). Ergonomic harm is one of the risks of petrochemical companies. Ergonomics denotes the interface between human beings and the device and machine in the workpla ce. Workers in petrochemical companies are highly exposed to ergonomic harms, such as musculoskeletal disorders (common for workers of drilling companies), or diseases caused by toxic fumes or substances (Attwood, Deeb, & Danz-Reece 2004). Petrochemical companies are also prone to accidental fires or explosions due to their handling of fuels, such as hydrocarbons. Even though these accidents may be quite unusual, when they do happen the effects can be quite serious, such as financial damage, employee casualty, or public injury (Khan & Abbasi 1998). Lastly, petrochemical companies carry with it several environmental hazards, just like in China and Argentina wherein massive environmental catastrophes have brought about a cycle of damages to the health of the local population. Several of the materials most intensely demanded by people for their use are innately harmful. Petroleum, for instance, is an expedient energy source. This convenience, while making petroleum important, also is t he root of its risk. Numerous of the substances or materials used by the petrochemical industry are innately dangerous. Several of the procedures are dangerous as well. In order for petrochemical plants to operate with minimal risk, they should be properly planned and designed, and appropriate procedure and guidelines should be implemented in their operation and management. The safety of petrochemical plants has drawn a great deal of public attention due to a number of major accidents, several of which are identified as the following (Banerjee 2003, 2): the 1974 Flixborough explosion in which 28 were killed, 89 injured and severe damage caused to buildings, the 1975 Beek propylene release and refinery fire in which 14 were killed, the 1976 Seveso accident in which highly toxic substances were released to the environment causing contamination to wide areas with attendant health implications for the surrounding populace, the gas storage plant catastrophe near Mexico City at San Juan I xhuatepec (1984) in which about 500 people perished and extensive damage was done, the Bhopal toxic gas release (1984) in which about 3400 were killed and many more injured, etc. In every one of these accidents an explosion, a fire, or a

Monday, October 28, 2019

On-Boarding, Socialization, Retention and Down-Sizing Essay Example for Free

On-Boarding, Socialization, Retention and Down-Sizing Essay Chern’s has recently hired two new sales associates and have a need for an on-boarding and socialization strategy. Because organizations invest money in hiring new employees, the company has a need to get new hires off to a good start but need help doing so. Because turn-over’s occurs early, organizations can increase their retention rates by helping new hires adjust to their company and jobs. Out-boarding is the process of completing new hires employment paperwork, and providing them with all essential elements for their jobs. Companies also have the need to socialize their employees through planned and unplanned processes, formal and informal activities and experiences through which individuals acquire the attitudes, behavior, and knowledge needed to successfully participate as members in an organization and learn the organizations culture. On-Boarding and Socialization Strategies In order to incorporate Chern’s new hires into its organization several strategic programs, on-boarding and socialization have been recommended. Both of these programs are beneficial for Chern’s and its employees. This recommendation will help Chern’s employee’s transition into the company. The following strategies were recommended for Chern’s new hires; Orientation will involve employees learning about the company, its culture, values, goals, history, mission statement, business, chain of commend and products. Orientation will encompass the company’s policy and procedures as well as the process of filling out the proper paperwork required to work at Chern’s. Through the orientation process employees will receive the tools they need to perform their duties, such as uniforms if required, keys, identification cards, computers, an e-mail address, business cards, telephone number and a work space (office or cubicle). Orientation will provide employees with their benefits information (booklet), 401 k plan, and IIP and retirement plan. Orientation will also include learning how to use the company’s intranet where they can find information about the company (financial facts), products and number of stores and their locations. The orientation process will allow the new hires to meet their co-workers, supervisors and managers. Through orientation employees can understand their roles, and their expectations. Orientation will accelerate the new hires learning process of Chern’s organization. Socialization—will give the new hires the planned, unplanned, formal, and informal activities and experiences to acquire the behavior, attitude and knowledge needed to participate as a member of the organization and learn the firm’s culture. Socialization programs that are recommended for its new hire’s are: A Staggered Program This concept allows new hires to encompass information about Chern’s through a staggered approach, learning in increments instead of obtaining information all at once causing an overload. By learning in increments new hires will retain that information. Socialization activities can be performed through steps allowing new hires to interact with co-workers, supervisors, managers, and HR personal who are familiar with the company. Socialization can be in person as well as via online and classroom settings. Individual Programs gives new hires the flexibility of socializing in a one-on one setting with a mentor or an apprenticeship. By using a mentor or apprenticeship each new hire can learn what is required, their expectations, and job performance rapidly. They experience on the job training through hands on experience and tend to socialize and learn more easily. Formal Socialization Programs- will give new hires the opportunity to socialize with other entities outside of the company, an example would be a seminar where they can interact with other individuals on a professional level and learn new and innovating techniques, procedures and designed activities and materials. This process increase employees job satisfaction and reduce turnover. This gives new hires a chance to be proactive, ask questions, build relationships with others in the rganization and seek feedback while increasing job satisfaction and commitment. Sequential programsallow new hires to follows a range of steps such as step 1—learning about the company. Step 2 –learn policy and procedures. Step 3—learn about the job and its requirements and. Step 4 perform well a so on. Each step leads to opportunities and possible promotions. Fixed Socialization Programs gives new hires information about their probationary status (how long) and their performance statu s with their job. Serial Socialization incorporate new hires with mentors, these mentors guide the new hires through the steps needed to become successful on the job and serve as role models to the new hires. Each new hire will be expected to follow in their mentors footsteps. Investiture Programs- will give each new hire the chance to reaffirm their confidence in them selves and their job performances. This process allows supervisors, managers and in some cases senior management to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and characteristics of the new hires. Investitures programs also evaluates what new hires can do in terms of helping the company move forward and make money from their new innovating ideals (Phillips Gully, 2009). By making these recommendation Chern’s will continue to give its customers the service that lies at the heart of the company. Chern’s strategy can empower its new hires to excel in the company, while upholding its reputation for customer service, quality and selection. These recommendations will continue to give Chern’s a core value that is essential to its branding and culture, while contributing to its customers and building a long term relationship through shared value and customer care. Retention Plan A retention plan for Chern’s top performers is to create an environment, work style and management team that promotes, teamwork, cooperation and retention, which leads to successful delivery of products, customer services and values. Ultimately enriching the company, customers and workers. In order to retain its top performers Chern’s can initiate plans to keep top performers happy by offering great rewards that will be hard to resist. Generally the reason people stay with a company is often the same reason they became attractive in the first place. Implementing the following retention plan will keep Chern’s top performers with the company and reduce a need to hire new people. †¢ provide initiatives to establish and maintain the company’s goals. †¢ establish open communication between management, customers and staff. develop a working environment that encourages professional growth. †¢ match employees with challenging assignments that will lead to professional and career growth. †¢ create a climate of respect, fairness and trust with supervisors and customers. †¢ give employees work flexibility so that they can balance their work and life demands. †¢ provide competitive wages and benefits that are fair, introduce fitness and child care centers. †¢ give top performers bonuses when goals are meet, such as monetary, vacations or extra sick days. create a strong corporate culture for employees that they find attractive such as a mission Statement that appeals to customers and workers. This can help retain employees with the same or similar values. †¢ providing employees with support can also help retain employees, by monitoring their work load, managers can determine if they have the necessary tools to perform their jobs. Using these strategies will institute to recruit, retain and develop top performers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery

Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift that is why we call it the present. Author unknown. How much of your life is lost either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? When your thoughts are imprisoned by the past or fearful of the future, you can miss out on one of lifes greatest gifts: that which is happening today and indeed this very moment. The reality is that when you are yearning for yesterday and either tempted or terrified by tomorrow, your ability to move forward will be confined by your inability to make the most of today. The key to throwing off your shackles is to put your effort into the present moment. Not only will you reap the rewards of enjoying a new awareness of everything around you, but also you will have a healthy and positive place from which to move forward in a constructive and fulfilling way. Mark 8: 18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? The goal of the Christian life is living our life centered in the eternal presence of God. Living life at the Center is an axiom not fully appreciated as an underlying hope and reality of the Christian life. The center represents the driving force of ones life where the totality of our thought and life brings us into communion and union with the heart of God. It is nothing more or nothing less than our full devotion in knowing and seeking the life giving love of the resurrected Christ. It is something we seek out of obedience and not something we simply do for a spiritual experience. It is the desire to conform and be transformed by the one who is uncreated Spirit. The one our heart seeks is the trigger or prime mover of everything we now see and know in the world. When we seek the center we seek to know and be known by the great I Am, recognizing He is all sufficient, all knowing, and holds the mystery of creation and our life in His hands. In Christian theology the center is aptly described by the apostle Paul, who states I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. His practical experience reveals a relationship where the life of Christ has transformed his heart and resides in him. Paul no longer lives in his present state of reality, but in a new reality of the cosmic Christ taking control of his life. He no longer lives his life in his own power and intellect. He lives life filled by grace no longer with his limited knowledge but now filled with the knowledge of God. His heart moves closer each day to be like Christs heart. He declares as he dies to his own desires and passions his heart becomes more like Christs heart. Christs life becomes his life and now being centered in Him he is more and more transformed to become like Christ, act like Christ and talk like Christ. The heart of Jesus now lives and acts through Pauls heart and life. Paul now lives life centered in Christ. The core goal of living life at the center is to become like Christ in the renewing of our minds where in practice we are exchanging our minds for His mind and exchanging of our life for His life. It accepts and recognizes the need of exchanging our fallen character for His perfect character and to become completely centered in his will and his life. It moves us away from the corrupt power of this world where the illusions created by our temporary surroundings trap us. Life in the center untangles us from the mess and attraction of this world and lets us become immersed into the fullness of the spirit which connects our heart and immerses us in the source of all love. When we encounter the unfathomable love of Christ we find we did absolutely nothing to seek Him out. We are humbled with gratitude His divinely initiated love seeks our well being far more than we would ever or could ever desire Him. The daunting task of theology is honestly admitting how does finite man encounter/relate/explain infinite God? How does anthropocentric man, by definition a self consumed egocentric entity interpret God? So we must with full disclosure acknowledge at best our ability to explain the concept of God or the divine flows out of a very limited knowledge at best. However at worst the conclusions we draw testify to our fallen condition filled with arrogance and non-glorifying interpretations of God. Man begins any study and evaluation of God from the outside peering through an opaque glass. Man deluded by his own pride and arrogance never appreciates any of the eternal qualities of God. Instead of being humbled for he owes his life to something outside of himself he somehow wrongly and proudly concurs that his life is what is most important. Mankind reasons with feeble attempts to explain the unexplainable which reveals the stark condition of his being lost in a dark and dangerous world. The center which should be Christ has been turned inside out with God no longer at the center but man as the center of his life. The consequences of that blindness render man as a foolish beast proven out in the pages of history. Mankind as he moves away from the center lives a tragic fairytale existence. The further man moves away from the center (God) the more he thirsts and craves the things which never fully satisfy but actually destroy him. The struggle of any religious or spiritual encounter is the question of who is leading me and where am I being led. The tragedy of many who have been drawn by an all encompassing love toward the center find the ego quickly recovers from its initial loss of control and stops the progression toward the center and the divine life. So our encounter has given us a new awareness of life but results in no real transformation of our heart. We have given a mental assent to change and willingly conclude there is something we now see and sense that we couldnt see before this revolutionary change of view in our life. Now aware we easily conclude the heart of God seems to be a much more favorable place to live against the backdrop of our current broken promises in life. In reality we have for the first time been able to see something we have never seen before because now we also see with spiritual eyes. We now behold the glory of God and a plan for not only creation but our life. The historical Jesus becomes the cosmic Christ who is all in all. Our spiritual eyes now open we see life on a new level of awareness. We now engage on an untraveled journey of following God and discovering a place of worship where religious leaders and others teach us how to follow and imitate God. We have a deep desire to leave the outer edge of the circle and mysteriously move toward the center. However, once the movement begins toward the heart of God, all the external trappings of life outside the circle and the things of the world come back with a vengeance to regain control again. The journey to the center and the heart of Christ started when we spiritually saw a fourth dimension beyond what we can touch with our five senses. The journey into the heart of God is an experience in life we never thought conceivable. There is a hunger or itch that has been scratched created by the awareness of something far beyond what you simply taste, touch, feel, in our three dimensional world of height, width, depth, space and time. We are mystified we have found God so to speak and feel fortunate there appears to be a divine plan encompassing all of creation and we will enjoy all the benefits and culmination of that plan. The adventure toward the fullness of God has begun as we deem life has meaning as we no longer exist alone but in relationship and fellowship with the Creator. The struggle is finite man has begun the process of living in the presence of the infinite God. Once again finite man will never ever begin to comprehend or imagine or explain the incomprehensible, the unimaginable and the unexplainable. So the inflated arrogant ego or self quickly makes the indescribable God simply a god we are most comfortable with in our experience. God is relegated once again to our little box of interpretation or at best a good mathematical equation or as the agnostic no relevance at all. Ego edges god out of even existing from the beginning and continues that process every waking moment of our lives even when we have recognized the need to go to the center! My desire is that not only will you see life differently, but you will process life totally differently than you have ever processed it up to this point. I want to first give you a little test. Its a thinking and response test. There are no ground rules except read the word on the left and the word on the right as a pair. I simply want you to read the list of two words each at this point. Republican Democrat Liberal Conservative Vanilla Chocolate Islam Christian General Motors Mercedes Straight Gay Evolution Creation Doctor High School drop-out Buddha Jesus Protestant Catholic Pentecostal Baptist What is your first response to what you just read? Were they simply words or did they carry hidden meaning? Did you have any emotional response to any of the words in their pairing? Did you place any values on the pairing such as one being better or higher valued than the other word? Were some words more negative or positive than others in your mind? In being able to move to the center and the heart of God we must move beyond our normal way of processing life. We process most of life from a dualistic thinking perspective which in simple terms means the ego or the false self processes our existence from a self preservation mode which protects each and every one of us from any perceived harm to our security and existence. In being able to move to the center and the heart of God we must move beyond our normal way of thinking about life. We must learn to process life from a non-dualistic thinking perspective. Dualism sees things as either /or, right /wrong, good/bad/. There is not anything incessantly evil with this type thinking, it simply needs to be recognized as how we are wired, how we process life from our ego or the false self, the part of us that is you and me. Dualistic thinking involves the process of comparing everything by value, usefulness or non usefulness to our state of being. It must be understood it is the part of the self which plays god. It sees life from one perspective what is best for me and what is best for the preservation and security of my life. Dualism sees things which either benefits me positively or negatively. It places me in the position of being for or against something and judges things as right or wrong in relationship to what the false self concludes is best for me and only me. The best way to understand the false self and what dualistic thinking reveals is that our ego preserves itself by being in control and hates anything that threatens its loss of control. It is most dangerous and deceptive when we have a taste of the eternal and our false self aligns itself with the higher power or God. It then can judge others as being the right kind of believer or not. The ego moves quite naturally from a system of thinking based on atheistic belief into a bible believing way of thinking about God. We no longer have the atheistic ego (self) in control. We now have the spiritual religious ego (self) in control. It then can continue its dualistic thinking without any real heart change and control and judge others as being the right kind of believer in God or not. Once again take the paired words together and read down through the list. . Grace Works Hymns Choruses Immersion Sprinkling Liturgical Non- liturgical Male Leadership Female Leadership Alcohol Non-alcohol Non-instrumental Drums Living Bible King James Version Suits Sandals Gays Straight Once again did you have any emotional response to any of the words in their pairing? Did you place any values on the pairing such as one being better or higher valued than the other word? Were some words more negative or positive than others in your mind? It should be rather humbling at this point if we begin to understand we have had some conversion of our head about God, but not much conversion in our heart and life has taken place. Heart renewal begins to take place when we become non dual thinkers and processors. This type thinking and perceiving occurs when we see life not in parts, but begin seeing life as a whole. In non- dualistic thinking and processing life we see God as the source; everything in life flows out of God and everything that God does. Ego more often than not is more comfortable separate from god. So a new life brings about a new way of thinking. My life is to be lost in letting my life be centered and controlled by Gods will. Transformation takes place when the ego no longer compartmentalizes my interpretation of God to fit my egocentric needs and my limited understanding of God. Life change begins when I trust true knowledge comes from God as my source and I let His love be the driving force in my life. There must be faith in God and realize most of the time my interpretation of God is most of the times very ego centered and will remain ego centered usually with what I am most comfortable with for my life. The tragic ironies of the War between the States in the 1860s more Americans were killed in this war than all the other wars combined in America history. It was not only brother killing brother, but Christian killing other Christians over who was right in the name of God. My hope is we might be transformed by the love of God as we move to the center of His Will. This journey into the heart of God means we must go back when before the fall there was nothing right or wrong. God was not only the only source but he is the source of everything pure and holy. Traveling to the center we encounter an all consuming grace overflowing with love from God for us. Love transforms us and we realize the fullness of his spirit and presence is never found or maintained by some legalistic behavior pattern on our part. Love is greater than what I do or could ever do to maintain a relationship with God. My relationship is never based by what I can do but only what God has done for me. So how does non-dualistic thinking begin to process my spiritual life? I begin by letting go of my constant need to be right all the time and to be in control. I begin to let go of the need to impress others, to always elevate and compare myself as better than others all the time. Traveling to the center I find as the apostle Paul the grace to let go of my life to let the life of Christ consume my life. I find the true meaning of the cross that it not only represents the death of Christ, but death to my life and behaviors as well. I recognize as Dietrich Bonheoffer the fullness of life comes as grace bids me come and die. I must die to my way of thinking, die to my way of doing everything and come alive in Gods love and presence. In dying I come alive in the center of Christs heart and let His love, grace and mercy flow from me to others. The image I see of centering love for me is an arrow going from the heart of God to my heart and then proceeding from my heart into the heart of others. When people see me they see the heart of God manifested in my life. Thus the heart of love becomes the heart of love in me and others around me. To be centered I must be like minded with Christ, I must die and let go of the false self, the ego. I must understand the root of all my dissatisfaction revolves around the ego and the false self. The essence of all healthy religion is to become united with the divine, that my heart and my life might be centered in the divine which is Christ. In defense of our dualistic thinking we could not operate in this world without it. Every day we make decisions which are facilitated by this way of thinking. I have decisions to make every moment of the day whether to turn left, turn right, go straight ahead or stop. Chapter Two: TIME TRAP In simple terms man understands time has a beginning and end. Time begins for us the moment we are born and ends the moment we die. Time is both an enemy and friend. Time moves too fast when we are in the throes of romance or when we have some dreaded deadline to meet. It moves too slowly when waiting for some announcement of great importance. Time is an ever present aspect of our life. The stark reality for all of us is we are all present for a short moment and then in the twinkling of eye time is gone forever from this life. Time can also be a trap which clouds our outlook and attitudes about life. Time is understood as being in the past, present or the future. Our perception of time moves in a straight line toward an ending point. We struggle for meaning and purpose to our existence for time is limited. Time is to be lived with all the gusto for our life is like a vapor of water quickly vanishing in the air. Time is relative in relationship to the number of days in our life. A five year old child has a short number of days living in the past in comparison to the number of days potentially to be lived in the future. Likewise a hundred year old woman has lived most of her days in the past compared to the short number of days possible in her future. So in chronological time how much of your life has been lived in the past and how much time do you realistically have to live in the future? Whats your future number five years, fifteen years or fifty? How much time you have remaining in your life is a perplexing question? Let me pose an intriguing answer. Time if we possess any is measured only in the present or current moment. We may live our lives around the past or future, but they are only perceived dimensions of time. When Jesus says dont worry about tomorrow He understood that tomorrow is perceived in the future which may never take place. Jesus also knew for all of us there will be a time we will have no more tomorrows. Time is only a perception for past time is gone forever and future time is an illusion. If you dont mind the pun, the preoccupation of the perception of time in our past or future can be very time consuming. The truth is we have absolutely no control over the time we seem to possess. (If I told you today you have a blood clot in your heart and it will be fatal within 48 hours how does it change your perception of time. How much does your past time matter, likewise if you have 48 hours to live what future time even 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, or 6 years matter?) The false self however doesnt die easily it will continue fighting to the end denying its own impending doom. So we find man lives most of his life not in the present moment but either trapped in the past or living for an unknown future. Time trapped man tends to live life either looking in the rear view mirror trying to figure out where they went wrong, or what they should have or could have done better. Likewise if man is not trapped in his past he seeks a future where he finds a nebulas happiness and contentment. Man lives most of his life not in the present moment but projecting his life somewhere in the future. He has some unclear objective that when I make enough money I will be secure and happy. When I drive a certain kind of car or live in a certain type of house and neighborhood I will be accepted. You can understand (ego) time when we think in any qualifying thought I will be or would be happy. Those thoughts include things like when I get married or have a particular job or amount of money I will be happy, the list is endless. Let me challenge you with a concept you will never be any happier than you are at this present moment. You will never be any more contented than you are at this present time in your life. Peace and contentment is never found in past or future experience. The false self believes it controls time and of course everything else in life. YOU CONTROL NOTHING! If I asked, can you guarantee me you will be alive in a week, what would your answer be? Let me ask can you guarantee you will finish reading the next couple of pages or even the next two sentences without dying? No you cant if you are honest. However, there is an astronomical probability you will read the next couple of pages without dying. The reality however is that you dont know and cant control how much time you have or dont have. For that matter you may think you control your life and others, but you dont. It is only the false ego that believes that it can dictate your future and control the destiny of your life and others around you. YOU CONTROL NOTHING! So that being said, what impact would it have upon your life if you didnt have to worry about being in control of your life and everyone elses life? It would be liberating not to play god and give up of our perceived control of our self and others. What would it look like not to let your past determine your present contentment and outlook on life? What if you could turn loose of all of your regrets, mistakes, failures, broken dreams and turn loose of the unkind words or thoughts that grip your life? What would it mean if you let go of your future dreams (nightmares) and concerns you try to control? What would it mean to be fully alive in the present moment? If you were to die this second in what state of mind would your perceived reality be? Would you die at peace, contented, fulfilled, grateful and hopeful or die frustrated, bitter or angry at the world and yourself? I hope you can begin to see that you will never be anymore happy or contented as you are right now. Living in the past or living in the future can be a miserable way to live life. The only time is the present moment, nothing more, nothing less and truly it is all the time you have or ever will have. The way you live life today will probably be the way you will die with the same attitudes and thoughts you have today. Instead of being trapped in time I want us to consider living in the moment. It is something lost and no longer practiced by many within Christianity. It is a lost gift of spiritual discipline. (In eastern thought and religion it is called mindfulness, or being awake, fully engaged in living life in the present moment.) For the Christian it is experienced as walking in the spirit, praying without ceasing, or practicing the presence of God. It is an ever abiding awareness of the presence of God and the condition of our heart and life. It is life lived in the center of Gods will and is alive to everything that Gods life possesses for us every moment. So in the moment and centered in God I simply let go of all the painful thoughts and even the happy thoughts of my past. I have no control over what thoughts I think I simply turn over those thoughts to God and let them go into to the center of His infinite love and compassion. When my mind is centered in the heart and mind of Jesus I no longer need to categorize, control, hide or deny negative thoughts which cloud my life and future. I am at peace when my heart finds its way and is centered in the heart of God. I simply let the thoughts and voices which create feelings of guilt, anger and despair be turned over to God so they no longer have a grip on my life. I let the painful voices give way to the peaceful and grateful thoughts and voices of a transformed mind in Christ. As the apostle Paul once again concluded, I have been crucified with Christ I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I am fully alive in the moment and I no longer let the false self be in control of my life and thoughts. I let the false self die and let all my thoughts be lost in God. Present with God I acknowledge all of my thoughts as the good, the bad and the ugly and let them float harmlessly into the pure love of God and let them be consumed in the will of God for my life. Chapter 3 Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Heart CLEAR THINKING PEACEFUL MIND, CLEAR MIND, CLEAN MIND, RENEWED MIND, NOISE Chapter 3 LETTING GO BEFORE WE DIE All of us will eventually let go of every experience, emotion or thought we know in this life. We will turn loose of our grip on everything in this present life we hold dear. We brought nothing into this world and will take nothing out of this world. We will let go of our need to be right about everything. We will let go of our need to be better, smarter, and superior and in control of everyone. We will let go of our need to win at everything. We will let go of our need of accumulating more and more stuff. We will let go of every person who has ever wronged us or offended us. We will let go of our need for recognition and applause. You and I will let go of everything the moment we die. So, if we are going to let go of everything when we die why do we have such a difficult time letting go of those things which seem to rob us of our peace today? In the New Testament Paul describes an inner struggle in his letter to the Roman church. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.Paul describes a battle raging for control of all our desires and deep feelings we have in our life. His understanding is we dont actually control our desires and passions they control us. This battle is within every one of us. It is an internal struggle of a force or entity opposed to Gods will and nature. It is a dominant power we cant see with our eyes, touch with our hands or taste with our tongue but we know it flows in our veins if we are honest with ourselves. It lays hidden deep in our soul and impa cts and controls all of our actions and behavior. Once again it is the false self and it has nothing to do with our body. It is that unseen part of us that makes us do what we do in our life. It fancies itself that it is in total control of our life. It acts out as if we are the master of our own fate and we can plan our own happiness and knows exactly what will make us happy. The deception is it falsely believes it can control our circumstances in life and find the success and fulfillment it desires. The false self only sees itself in the best light and desires only what is best for it. Its underlying characteristic is totally a self centered obsession with itself. Its primary objective is self preservation, and lets no one get in its way of having everything it desires and believes it deserves to be fulfilled. This force defines what we like, what we want, and what we think. It believes it must control the course of our life. It believes what it desires can make us happy, contended and successful. The lie of the ego is that it believes if given enough time it can bring fulfillment and happiness to our life. It survives by being right and superior to everyone around us. Likewise it never offends anyone, but is continually offended by others all the time. The ego is obsessed and never has enough stuff and believes if we only had more of everything we would be happier. So, more love, more money, a bigger house and newer car are the pathway of happiness. The greatest lie of the ego however is its denial of death. The ego because we can think and live and breathe conjectures and plots out that it will live forever in spite of the obvious fact we are dying the moment we are born. The ego replacing God never comes to grips with its certain destruction. It is unwilling to accept we are going to die and let go of everything we have ever thought, wished, done or regretted. We are going to let go of our grip on everything we thought we couldnt live without in this life. Everyone will turn loose some sooner than later and thats a guarantee. The move to the center and heart of God can only be accomplished by letting go of everything we hold dear in this life. The sooner we turn loose and learn to let go of everything now the sooner we will experience genuine peace and freedom. Jesus fully recognized the condition of mans life when he told the Father, not my will but your will be done. The false self leads man toward a path of destruction. Letting go and surrendering of our will and life to be consumed in a love we can trust far more than ourselves. The letting go process is a slow and agonizing process because I dont want anything to take my power, my will, or control of my life from me. The ego hates anything that says it must change for any reason. The ego will do everything it can to mask itself as long as it doesnt have to give up control. It will suffer, it will sacrifice it will pretend and will do our sorts of religious stuff. (1 Cor.13)It will go through all sorts of religious purity rites as long as it doesnt have to give up control. Letting go of anything is not the prescription for getting ahead in this life and enjoying life. Letting go is the last thing that the ego is willing or wants to do. It would rather let you die of drugs, your anger, and the stress of working to find significance and security than give up control. It would rather you go through three or four marriages, three or four jobs, three or four DUIs and not have to change or give up control. Here is the truly frightening thing concerning the false self. The false self would rather have us die in our hopelessness and pain than give up its power and control over us. It holds its grip on us till death. It will convince us we are right for being angry with the world, with others and God. The false self would rather us go to prison for life than let go of its anger and its resentment that it holds against others. The ego is unwilling to let God or any other powers have control of it. It fights to the very end and destroys itself. We must let go of what the false self desires to find life and peace. There is no change and peace for our souls as long as the false self is in control. There is no change of heart as long as the mind is controlled by our ego. There is no change until we understand we are totally powerless to do anything with the ego in charge. Jesus let go of life to do the will of father and said, not my will be done but your will be done. So letting go means letting go of the false selfs control and turning our will over to the will of God. So to find real peace and life and to be centered in the heart of Christ means you no longer have to be right all the time. What kind of immediate impact would it have on your marriage today if you didnt have to be right all the time? What impact would have on churches today? What impact would it have on wars with people killing and hating each other over who is right? Jesus didnt give the first commandment that you would be right about everything concerning your faith and your politics in your life. He said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with your entire mind and with all of your soul. Ever wonder why you dont get along with people. Try giving up the need to win all the time and trying to be superior to everyone and a few people may actually like you. Give of the need to have more and more stuff and you might actually recognize fewer possessions really are the path to a contented life. Let go of those who have offended you for you owe it to yourself. One of the last things to let go of can be combined as your resentments, your pain, your suffering. Most people reject God because of the question of why is there pain and suffering. At the end of life people are either generally grateful or resentful about life. Resentment is a condition of our heart which has the underlying belief life didnt go as I had planned it. Life never goes as the way we plan

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lunch Lady Blues Essay -- Nutrition

In recent years America’s health and economy have become a hot topic of debate in legislative offices. Recent legislation concerning the food served in schools nationwide has undergone changes that have cause widespread debate on the role of the federal government in students’ lives, the possible effects on the industry that supply food to schools and the effects on the schools and students themselves. In some cases the debated changes are welcomed with open arms and are merely formalities, in others the changes are reasons to lobby congress to convince them that pizza is counted as a vegetable because it has tomato paste. In the long run some of the changes will make a positive impact on the health of children, and businesses will find ways to adapt to the new regulations and succeed. As of 2008 an estimated 17% of children between the ages of 2-19, are considered obese. This statistic has tripled over a 30 year period beginning in the mid 1970s (CDC). The greatest concern for children in this category is the risk for coronary heart disease from the consumption of trans fats (CDC). The life long affects of obesity are one main reason the federal government has recently adopted changes to the National School Lunch Program nutritional requirements. Trans fats were created by scientist to replace the saturated fats found in some processed foods; they are commonly used to prolong the shelf life of foods (CDC). The fact is the consumption of artificial trans fats affects cholesterol levels negatively and increases the risk for heart disease (CDC). The National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program serve a combined 40 million or more meals per day to students nationwide (CDC). The risk of heart disease is not the only... .../FR-2012-01-26/pdf/2012-1010.pdf> Salk Institute. "How Obesity Increases The Risk For Diabetes." ScienceDaily, 21 Jun. 2009. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. â€Å"Schwan’s Food Service, Inc. Redefines School Pizza, Offering Healthier Choices for Children in More Than 72,000 U.S. Schools† Businesswire. 7 Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. Simon, G.E., et al. â€Å"Obesity, depression, and health services costs among middle-aged women.†, 28 Jun. 2011. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. United States Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Notices†., 25 Mar. 2011. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pillsbury Cookie Challenge

| GLOBAL MARKETING-2| | | PILLSBURY COOKIE CHALLENGE| | GROUP-12, Roll No-2210,2240,2249| 10/20/2011| | What consumers should the team target? Pillsbury should target Scratch Users segment which is 61% as compared to 49% in US. They have almost 24% as refrigerated users, when we go through the qualitative research which suggests the following: * Product should be easy, quick, practical, affordable and pleasing to children. * The Baking experience was important. * Feel of sharing and giving. * Lapsed users were less secure to use convenience products which take them away from scratch baking. No issues with nutritional value * Using Pillsbury product was still far better than buying readymade product, because it involved the effort and therefore represented an act of generosity. From above we can conclude that if Pillsbury can increase customer value perception in the scratch segment, they can increase the market share. Since the main concern of scratch users are baking experience and to certain extend the quality of product, if tackled could lead to increased market share. What should their brand messaging be? Brand messaging should be targeted to increase the customer value perception, target scratch customers, especially to mothers and kids who play an important part in Canadian family, as suggested by qualitative research. * Scratch taste equals to Pillsbury Cookie Dough Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookies, leave the mess part to us, readymade dough, get yourself creative with cookies, have fun with kids and will taste like home made cookies. How could they communicate this message in a relevant way to the consumers in a way that would translate into increased sales? This can be done by various means as stated below: * Target Segment Market Campaign * By TV ad campaign aiming the target audience – Scratch Users * Targeting mothers and kids * Packaging * By changing the packaging to suite the target market specially to kids and mothers. * Having Influential messages on the pack, to influence scratch users on the quality and nutritional value of the product. * By having recipes which can be used with refrigerated dough cookies, like a value added, which will increase effort and experience of baking using readymade dough. Product Placement * Placement of the product at eye level (premium space), research shows cookie dough buying is impulsive, this will increase greater exposure to scratch users, more noticeable and accessible for impulse buying. * Rewards Programme * From the reason it’s seen that kids play a larger role as purchase driver in Canada than US, create rewards programme for kids, which will increase brand loyalty, awarene ss and attract the users/customers with kids. * Influence on kids will eventually lead to sales increase. ***********************************************

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

19 Halloween Costumes for College Guys

19 Halloween Costumes for College Guys With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is making the all-important choice about what to wear this year. For college guys, this isnt easy. That is why we have prepared a list of 20 Halloween Costumes for College Guys that will make you stand out at your next Halloween party! 1. The Where’s Waldo Costume You cant go wrong with a recognizable costume like Where’s Waldo. It is familiar, fun, and requires a very simple striped shirt, blue jeans, and matching beanie. You will have a blast hiding in plain sight at any Halloween party! Image credit: Pinterest 2. The Chick Magnet Costume Meeting girls this Halloween wont be a problem when you dress up as a â€Å"chick magnet.† Ask yourself, who doesnt love a huge magnet? Making this one on your own is pretty simple. Just a few pieces of cardboard, some paint, and a trip to the store for some adorable little plastic chicks to stick on the ends. Image credit: Pinterest 3. The Spartan Costume (Created From Beer Cartons) The movie â€Å"300† inspired a whole generation of college guys to dress up as Spartans. Now in 2018, a traditional Spartan costume has become a bit basic. When not make your own out of your favorite beer cans and cartons like the guy below. The instructions are easy to follow and you can use any of your favorite beer packaging for shields, swords, and helmets. THIS IS HALLOWEEN!! Image credit: Pinterest 4. The One Night Stand Costume Nothing makes a better conversation starter than a funny costume. This literal version of the common college phrase â€Å"one night stand† is the perfect way to break the ice at any Halloween party. Making it is easy and you can get pretty clever with the items you keep on top of it. Image credit: Pinterest 5. The Tinder Profile Costume Chances are that you want to meet someone special this Halloween. Why stress over a costume that attracts people when you already have a way to connect? Going as your own Tinder profile gives people you want to meet the chance to swipe left or right in person. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a match this Halloween! Image credit: Pinterest 6. The Twister Board Costume Playing on nostalgia is a grand tradition of Halloween and going as al all-time-favorite board game is a great way to stand out at your next Halloween party. This Twister costume, for example, gives you a fun and colorful costume that you can use to get twisted up into the Halloween spirit! Image credit: Pinterest 7. The â€Å"50 Shades Of Grey† Costume Everyone loves a good play on words. Especially when it comes to the steamy romantic fiction novel 50 Shades of Grey. While the subject matter of the book might not be appropriate for every Halloween festivity, putting a twist on the costume can be fun and creative. Consider what this guy did below by going to your local hardware or paint store and grabbing every sample of grey you can find so you can tape it to your body. You can even make a fancy hat! Image credit: Pinterest 8. The Ball Pit Costume This costume is a bit on the nose but hilarious and creative nonetheless. Dressing up as everyone’s favorite place to play as a kid the ball pit gives you the chance to let people get â€Å"interactive† with your costume. Making your own requires some suspenders, a basket, and a whole lotta balls. Image credit: Pinterest 9. The Lumberjack Costume From Paul Bunyan to Mr. Brawny, it’s safe to say that everyone loves a lumberjack. There is just something about a man that can survive on his own in the wilderness that makes him immediately magnetic and charming. Dressing up as one for Halloween is sure to make you a party favorite. This costume is one of the easiest on the list to make for yourself. You just need a flannel t-shirt, suspenders, an ax or hatchet, and boots. Image credit: Pinterest 10. The Missing Person On A Milk Carton Costume If you dont have the time to come up with a full head to toe costume, then we suggest working on the head. This missing persons milk carton costume is an easy way to join in on the Halloween celebration without having to put too much effort into a full costume. Moving boxes are perfect for making your own milk box. Image credit: Pinterest 11. The Error Costume Not Found Costume Halloween may be one of the most popular holidays in the USA, but not everyone wants to get into the spirit of it. But that doesnt mean they cant at least participateor at least let people know they arent participating. If you arent a fan of Halloween but dont want the ridicule of not dressing up for the party you are going to, consider a clever costume like the guy below that reads â€Å"Error 404. Costume Not Found.† At least people will know you tried. Image credit: Pinterest 12. The Sexy Fireman Costume Women arent the only ones who can turn a normal costume into a sexy one. If Halloween is more about showing off your body, then you cant go wrong with this sexy fireman costume. It is basically the same as a regular fireman costume but with no shirt, six-pack abs, and a charming smile. Image credit: Pinterest 13. The Top Gun Costume Show everyone at your next Halloween party how sexy and dangerous you can be with a classic Top Gun costume. It is easy to make yourself and really only requires some military patches, dog tags, aviator sunglasses, and a cool slick hairdo! Image credit: Pinterest 14. The Boy Scout Costume In college, you might find a new use for your old boy scout uniform. Why not make it this year’s Halloween costume. The hilarity of a full grown man in a childs uniform is sure to make you a hit at this years Halloween party. You can even add new badges for beer pong, procrastination, and pizza eating! Image credit: Pinterest 15. The Aladdin Costume A Halloween costume can be hard to choose. But with the Aladdin Costume from the hit Disney movie, you’ll have a fun and familiar way to celebrate Halloween this year. Make your own and accent it with details like a flying carpet, magic lamp, and toy monkey on your back. Image credit: Pinterest 16. The Inmate Costume Take a page from the hit series â€Å"Orange Is The New Black† and dress up like a prison inmate for Halloween this year. Its an easy costume that just requires a jumpsuit and a black marker. You can even add details like shackles, tattoos, and tin cups. Image credit: 17. The Jager Bomb Costume It is a well-known fact that drinking and college seem to go hand in hand. Why not capitalize on that this Halloween and go as one of college students’ all-time favorite shots: The Jager Bomb. Image credit: Pinterest 18. The Shining Costume It is often said that â€Å"Imitation is the best form of flattery.† Nothing could be truer of your favorite novels and books. So why not show how much you love your favorite works of literature like the guy below who has taken a page from The Shining. The added benefit is that you can let everyone know you have arrived to the party by walking into the room and yelling, â€Å"HERES JOHNNY!† Image credit: Pinterest 19. The Deadmau5 Costume If you love Halloween but hate socializing at parties, then this DeadMau5 costume is the perfect solution to your social anxiety. The iconic mouse head of this famous Canadian DJ and producer has a spooky and fun vibe to it that will fit right in with the spirit of Halloween. Making it is easy! Image credit: Pinterest Guys, you’ll have no excuse this year for showing up to your college Halloween bash without a costume! These fun costume ideas are sure to make you the hit of the party. And if you need even more ideas, check out this post with Halloween costume ideas!

Monday, October 21, 2019

10 Narrative Essay Topics on Women Empowerment

10 Narrative Essay Topics on Women Empowerment Women play a vital role in making our world a better place. However, only a few organizations truly empower women with their due rights. In recent years though, experts have started to acknowledge the development and economic benefits of women empowerment. Writing a narrative essay is easy, fun and very enlightening as you are writing about your own personal experience and gaining knowledge from those experiences, getting to know yourself better than ever in the process. However, to write the perfect narrative essay that can be appreciated by your professor, you need solid facts, some topics to start with and an informational guide on how to write a flawless narrative essay. This is where our expansive guides come in. We have written three different guides for you that describe facts, topics and writing a great narrative on women’s empowerment. In this first guide, you are provided with 10 facts for a narrative essay on women empowerment. This is the perfect place to gather information for your essay without going through the trouble of having to find credible sources to start researching. In our second guide, you are provided with 20 topics for a narrative essay on women empowerment so that it becomes easier for you to choose a topic and start writing. Many students get stuck while choosing a good topic for their essay, which is why we’ve chosen 20 relevant topics to aid you. We’ve also included a sample narrative essay at the end which will help you further in writing a stellar narrative essay on your topic of choice. Finally, in our third guide, we explain how to write a narrative essay on women empowerment to enable you to write a better, more liberal and error-free narrative essay on your particular topic. It is highly recommended not to skip any of our guides, in order to attain perfection in your writing and the essay itself. Let’s get to it then. Here are 10 Facts on Women Empowerment: Almost 50 million people around the world are surrounded by civil wars, violent conflicts, disasters and displacement; 80% of those 50 million people are women and children. Without women empowerment campaigns, there is no hope for these women. Throughout the world, there are only a few places where women have a strong hold on parliamentary seats such as Rwanda, Cuba and the United States. In 2004, Rwanda’s parliament housed 48.8% of women’s seats, 36% of these seats were held by women in Cuba and only 14.3% of parliamentary seats were held by women in the US respectively. In contrast, Saudi Arabia and Solomon Island do not have a single woman in their parliament. In a study that took place in Kenya, researchers found that 38% of farms were run by women. These women were so perfect in harvesting goods that they managed to harvest the same amount as men did without any help such as advice, loans, fertilizers, insecticides and hybrid seeds. When these women accomplished every goal related to farming men had, they were more efficient in harvesting and actually produced bigger harvests than men. During a survey, it was found that when women get involved in work, economics grow rapidly. Since there are plethora of women who don’t work due to several reasons, a big gap between men’s and women’s labor force is created, which decreases overall economic growth. When this gap is reduced, the economy starts to grow at a rapid pace. When a large amount of evidence was collected through various countries around the world, it was found that when women have influence over household income, either through their own earning or funds transfer, it changes the way their families, which later down the line, benefits the future of their children as well. If we talk on a global scale, women are paid 20 25% less than men. This is because women don’t want to get involved in formal professional sectors as they are not trained to such tasks effectively. But due to women empowerment campaigns, we are seeing a rise in women’s wages and their demand over formal sectors of industries. Around the world, women’s labor force is directly affected due to the reason that they spend more time caring for their children, elders and the sick in their family. This negatively impacts women’s labor force; 25% of women in the European Union are unable to perform labor due to the reason that they have personal responsibilities such as taking care of their children and families at home. In contrast, only 3% of men end up undertaking the same responsibilities. Despite improvements in the last 50 years in terms of development and economics, women who are working professionally are unable to enjoy â€Å"leisure time† because of the sheer amount of work they have on their hands at home; i.e. taking care of the family. Men, on the other hand, do have the time to wind down and relax after a hard day’s labor. Through women empowerment, gender inequalities can be done away with so that women can also have the same amount of time to themselves in order to pursue their personal interests An estimated 15 million girls under 18 years of age are married every year, without even seeking their personal opinion or approval. This occurs because there is no women empowerment and our societies simply lack gender equality. Most of the time, these newly wedded brides face troublesome issues in their lives as they are very young and cannot handle all the responsibilities that a married life entails. These brides are also unable to pursue education which makes it impossible to secure high paying jobs – resulting in lower self-esteem, poverty and lower IQ levels throughout the generations. American women, who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, are more likely to be raped by their own co-workers rather than getting killed in action. This kind of behavior by military men happens due to a lack of equal opportunities, adequate protection and benefits for the women who are serving their country side by side with these men. While these facts may have been interesting to read, they are depressing and distressful as well. However, the above facts are sure to help you in writing an exemplary narrative essay on women empowerment. Let’s move on to our second guide where you will see examples of 20 topics for a narrative essay on women empowerment. This guide also helps you to start writing without any hesitation as there is a sample essay at the end, which will help you better understand how a narrative essay is written. Remember to check out our third guide, how to write a narrative essay on women empowerment. In our last guide, you will learn dos and don’ts of writing a narrative essay and some general tips on how to write a flawless and professional narrative essay on your own. References: Klasen, S. and Lamanna, F. (2009), â€Å"The impact of gender inequality in education and employment on economic growth: New evidence for a panel of countries,† Feminist Economics, 15: 3, pp. 91-132 (as retrieved from UN Women, Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming economies, realizing rights Chapter 4, p. 199) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by selected characteristics, annual averages; Differences by Race and Ethnicity, No Growth in Real Wages for Women,† by Ariane Hegewisch, Claudia Williams, Heidi Hartmann, Ph.D., Stephanie Keller Hudiburg (March 2014). Fact Sheet, p. 2. International Labour Organization (2014). Global Employment Trends 2014: Risk of a jobless recovery p. 19. E. Gakidou, et al., 2010, â€Å"Increased Educational Attainment and its Effect on Child Mortality in 175 Countries between 1970 and 2009: A Systematic Analysis,† The Lancet, 376(9745), p. 969. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Final Report to the MCM 2012. p. 17 Duflo, Esther, (2012) Women Empowerment and Economic Development Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 50, Number 4 | American Economic Association Fontana Paciello, 2010. Other forms of non-agricultural employment for example in trade activities or small enterprises constitute only a small fraction of total employment in rural areas (as retrieved from UN Women, forthcoming, Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016. Chapter 2, p. )

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Gifted Children

Started in the 1970's, America's Gifted & Talented programs are used to enhance the curriculum of students included in either category in order to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students are usually provided a separate class with specialized lessons in all areas and a teacher with a special degree in gifted education. I feel that it is important that the teacher was a gifted student who would know what the students must face as "above average" members of their school. The job market for gifted education offers a wide range of opportunity and gifted teachers are needed all over the country. One of the earliest programs for gifted and talented students was set up in 1974, at The Old Donation Center, in Virginia Beach. Students scoring within the top 3% of students on an assessment test are referred here to be further challenged. These students are considered gifted and have special teachers and classes to promote development of their talents and minds. Programs like this began to pop up around the nation in the 70's; however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers, parents, and peers. Many people considered them to be "freaks" because they were different. They didn't understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle. The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, gifted. But what exactly is a "gifted" student? Students (elementary & secondary) are given a repertoire of tests. These tests check IQ, psychomotor ability, specific academic aptitude/talent, creative and pro... Free Essays on Gifted Children Free Essays on Gifted Children Started in the 1970's, America's Gifted & Talented programs are used to enhance the curriculum of students included in either category in order to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students are usually provided a separate class with specialized lessons in all areas and a teacher with a special degree in gifted education. I feel that it is important that the teacher was a gifted student who would know what the students must face as "above average" members of their school. The job market for gifted education offers a wide range of opportunity and gifted teachers are needed all over the country. One of the earliest programs for gifted and talented students was set up in 1974, at The Old Donation Center, in Virginia Beach. Students scoring within the top 3% of students on an assessment test are referred here to be further challenged. These students are considered gifted and have special teachers and classes to promote development of their talents and minds. Programs like this began to pop up around the nation in the 70's; however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers, parents, and peers. Many people considered them to be "freaks" because they were different. They didn't understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle. The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, gifted. But what exactly is a "gifted" student? Students (elementary & secondary) are given a repertoire of tests. These tests check IQ, psychomotor ability, specific academic aptitude/talent, creative and pro...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Intellectual Evolution from Adolescence to adulthood Essay

Intellectual Evolution from Adolescence to adulthood - Essay Example In this stage, the individual reaches the final form of cognition (Smith, 2001). Specifically because the have grown pass the need for concrete objects to make rational decisions allowing the to engage in abstract mental modeling. They are capable of conceiving the hypothetical and engaging in deductive reasoning (Smith, 2001). This is a more mature method of thinking because they are able to see both sides of an issue which is key to problem solving skills possessed by adults. The evolution to adulthood occurs when they begin to specialize in the professional careers. Such an evolution indicates that the adult has found a niche objective where all other mental formations are a direct extension of the initial knowledge foundations (Smith, 2001). The mark of an adolescent is indeed his ability to conceptualize the abstract, while the mark of the adult is the ability to turn those abstract conceptions into executed objectives. Adulthood is defined by more than the individuals ability t o engage in cognition, rather it is based on their ability to focus those cognitive skills and apply it towards a specialized interest. Works Cited Smith, L. (2001). Jean Piaget. In J. A. Palmer (Ed.), 50 modern thinkers on education: From Piaget to the present. London: Routledge.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Incorporating Graphics Into the Justification Report Assignment

Incorporating Graphics Into the Justification Report - Assignment Example It is important to arrange the data that is being represented using a graph in table format. When adding a graph, one is required to select the target location for the chart. Then, select the data that is being represented using the graph. One is also required to choose the data that is to be represented and then insert the required graph. There are different forms of graphs including; bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs among others (Chen, 2002). Implementation of graphs varies depending on the information an individual is willing to convey. Varieties of benefits couples the usage of graphs. Graphs present clear and summarized data that are easy to understand. It is relatively easy to compare and analyze data that is represented in a graphical format compared to normal reporting. The creatively constructed graph can significantly contribute to efficient management and presentation of data. The nature of graph to bring into play depends on the data that is to be presented or conveyed. For instance, when one is representing a summary of the data, one may be required to use normal graphs. In other words, nominal graphs are used when there is a possibility of reducing the data (Chen,

The Role of E-Commerce Technology and the Impact of E-Commerce on the Essay

The Role of E-Commerce Technology and the Impact of E-Commerce on the Supply Chain - Essay Example The online markets tend to involve the third party element of the business in that the transaction may affect the enterprise and the consumer or the sales made by a consumer to another consumer. Moreover, e-commerce involves the selling and activities of purchasing that include two businesses such that is a business to the business transaction as the description by (Chen, Chen & Kazman, 2007). Other involvements of e-commerce are the collection and subsequent use of the data on demographics that is available from the great representations of the contacts on the web as well as the contacts in the social media. Other instances of e-commerce include the prospects in marketing that focuses on the customers and employ the electronic emails or fax that may be a part of the newsletters. In fact, electronic commerce entails the launch of various new products and new services in the online markets. The most critical attribute of e-commerce is the interactivity aspect that keeps the customers or the buyers to be in a continuous form of involvement in the processes that constitute the activities of the favorite seller. The interactivity case implies that the market has plenty of individualizations. Besides, the online businesses are cheap to operate as a basis of the usage of already existing computer applications. The applications make up the EDI that is the Interchange of the Electronic Data. The regulations are probably to ensure that the business transactions that take part in the online markets are authentic.

Relationship Marketing in the Car Industry Essay

Relationship Marketing in the Car Industry - Essay Example This project is worth doing because of a series of reasons. First of all, the automobile company is one of the most important sectors of the UK's economy. Consequently, there is a need to look for ways in which this industry can be improved in order to boost the economy. Additionally, by examining the role that trust plays in relationship marketing, then car companies can understand the underlying factors required to make relationship marketing work for them. This project will also be significant in providing information about various tools and approaches in relationship marketing from automobile companies. (Jackson, 1985) Previous work in relationship marketing has focused on its core functions. Levitt (1983) explains that relationship marketing is a form of marketing that centres on consumer satisfaction and retention. This is a shift from traditional approaches that mostly emphasised on transactions made at the point of sale. Some authors have looked at application of relationships to the automotive industry. Nilsson (2004) examined a case study of an automobile company in the US and looked at how this company's success had been enhanced though relationship marketing. Other authors such as Kotler (2005):- DeYoung and Boldt (1988) & Berry (1983) Examined ways in which relationship marketing can be integrated with other m... (DeYoung, 1987) RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES The major objective that the research will be trying to achieve is to determine what the link between company image and relationship marketing is in the automobile industry. This will be determined through four specific objectives 1) What role does trust play in boosting relationship marketing in the automobile industry 2) What role does loyalty play in enhancing relationship marketing 3) How can automobile companies apply relationship marketing in their marketing mix 4) What is the value that relationship marketing brings to automobile companies Through these research objectives, it will be possible to understand what makes automobile companies successful in terms of relationship marketing and that can then be linked to company image. When companies are regarded as successful by their current or future clientele, then it is likely that they have a good image or vice versa. (Jackson, 1985) METHOD; RESEARCH DESIGN The research will dwell on the automobile industry in the United Kingdom. This will be done through a combination of approaches. Some leading automobile manufacturers like General Motors will be identified and asked about their implementation of relationship marketing. This will be analysed through personal interviews with their sales members. Additionally, the customer lifetime value added to a company through relationship marketing will be calculated for those chosen organisations. Customers will also be included in the research because they will be instrumental in assessment of how successful they perceive certain companies hence reflecting on the company image. (Envision software, 2007) Personal interviews will be utilised when dealing with company representatives owing to the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Biopharmaceuticals against Viral disease - development and Research Paper

Biopharmaceuticals against Viral disease - development and pharmaceutical action - Research Paper Example In particular, biopharmaceuticals that are produced to target viral diseases will be examined using the example of Hepatitis C. Biopharmaceuticals are generally large proteins (Sekhon, 2010). The manufacture of these proteins can be done on a large scale using biotechnological methods. What production system is used depends on the type of protein being developed but can range from mammalian cells, yeast, insect cells or bacteria (Sekhon, 2010). The primary goals that have to be taken into consideration when developing a biopharmaceutical are that it should be effective under clinical situations, it should be in a form that is approvable by regulatory authorities and it should be practical to market commercially (Sekhon, 2010).after taking all these factors into consideration, the production of a biopharmaceutical is no easy feat. It requires work on many different levels of expertise (Sekhon, 2010). Very broadly, the development of a biopharmaceutical vaccine to target viruses generally involves the following stages. There is production of a carrier system followed by inoculation of the target with the virus. Reproducibility and infectivity are eliminated and the virus fragment is then purified (Sekhon, 2010). One biopharmaceuticals have been manufactured, there is also the possibility of manufacturing biosimilars, which are other biopharmaceuticals with similar structure and function. This is a challenging task as slight changes in structure; composition etc may result in a large disruption of function (Locatelli and Roger, 2006). The protein content, activity, physiochemical integrity, stability, impurities and additives and immunogenicity all have to be tested separately to ensure that they do in fact behave like the reference drug. A variety of different assays is used for this process (Locatelli and Roger, 2006). One of the major hurdles with the manufacture and use of biopharmaceuticals

History of architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of architecture - Research Paper Example Renaissance design involved utilization of hemispherical domes, aedicules, niches, and semicircular arches (Frommel 148). Villa Capra Rotonda is located in an isolated area outside Vicenza, a city in the northern region of Italy. Villa Capra Rotonda is built on a hilltop outside Vicenza. The building forms a square on top of the hill providing a clear view of the environment. Villa Rotonda is distinguished by the presence of four facades. Most of the ancient designs comprised a single facade. However, Palladio was able to include all the four facades in the design of Villa Rotonda, making it unique. Villa Capra Rotonda represents a more secular thinking in the Renaissance by bringing its patron closer to God (Palladio et al. 68). The building location indicates how the residents wanted to be closer to God. In addition, the Villa is highly lighted giving an indication of the purity and the close relationship the owner had with God. The dome created at the centre of the Villa is another indication of the relationship between the building and godliness. The building creates a connection to God since it was intended for retired priests from Rome. The design of Villa Capra Rotonda resembles that of most of the churches across Italy and Greek especially the inclusion of the semi-hemispherical domes at the building centre, hence a representation of heaven (Frommel., 2007, p. 48). Villa Capra Rotonda is located on a hilltop outside Vicenza in Italy. Most of the ancient churches were located away from the urban areas creating a God atmosphere for worshiping. Villa Rotonda is located in the countryside of Vicenza city which would give the pope an excellent atmosphere to pray and relate with God. The isolated location of the Villa is another reflection of its relationship with God. This is because; churches were not located in crowded places and the patron of Villa Rotonda decided to construct a resident who

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Relationship Marketing in the Car Industry Essay

Relationship Marketing in the Car Industry - Essay Example This project is worth doing because of a series of reasons. First of all, the automobile company is one of the most important sectors of the UK's economy. Consequently, there is a need to look for ways in which this industry can be improved in order to boost the economy. Additionally, by examining the role that trust plays in relationship marketing, then car companies can understand the underlying factors required to make relationship marketing work for them. This project will also be significant in providing information about various tools and approaches in relationship marketing from automobile companies. (Jackson, 1985) Previous work in relationship marketing has focused on its core functions. Levitt (1983) explains that relationship marketing is a form of marketing that centres on consumer satisfaction and retention. This is a shift from traditional approaches that mostly emphasised on transactions made at the point of sale. Some authors have looked at application of relationships to the automotive industry. Nilsson (2004) examined a case study of an automobile company in the US and looked at how this company's success had been enhanced though relationship marketing. Other authors such as Kotler (2005):- DeYoung and Boldt (1988) & Berry (1983) Examined ways in which relationship marketing can be integrated with other m... (DeYoung, 1987) RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES The major objective that the research will be trying to achieve is to determine what the link between company image and relationship marketing is in the automobile industry. This will be determined through four specific objectives 1) What role does trust play in boosting relationship marketing in the automobile industry 2) What role does loyalty play in enhancing relationship marketing 3) How can automobile companies apply relationship marketing in their marketing mix 4) What is the value that relationship marketing brings to automobile companies Through these research objectives, it will be possible to understand what makes automobile companies successful in terms of relationship marketing and that can then be linked to company image. When companies are regarded as successful by their current or future clientele, then it is likely that they have a good image or vice versa. (Jackson, 1985) METHOD; RESEARCH DESIGN The research will dwell on the automobile industry in the United Kingdom. This will be done through a combination of approaches. Some leading automobile manufacturers like General Motors will be identified and asked about their implementation of relationship marketing. This will be analysed through personal interviews with their sales members. Additionally, the customer lifetime value added to a company through relationship marketing will be calculated for those chosen organisations. Customers will also be included in the research because they will be instrumental in assessment of how successful they perceive certain companies hence reflecting on the company image. (Envision software, 2007) Personal interviews will be utilised when dealing with company representatives owing to the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History of architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of architecture - Research Paper Example Renaissance design involved utilization of hemispherical domes, aedicules, niches, and semicircular arches (Frommel 148). Villa Capra Rotonda is located in an isolated area outside Vicenza, a city in the northern region of Italy. Villa Capra Rotonda is built on a hilltop outside Vicenza. The building forms a square on top of the hill providing a clear view of the environment. Villa Rotonda is distinguished by the presence of four facades. Most of the ancient designs comprised a single facade. However, Palladio was able to include all the four facades in the design of Villa Rotonda, making it unique. Villa Capra Rotonda represents a more secular thinking in the Renaissance by bringing its patron closer to God (Palladio et al. 68). The building location indicates how the residents wanted to be closer to God. In addition, the Villa is highly lighted giving an indication of the purity and the close relationship the owner had with God. The dome created at the centre of the Villa is another indication of the relationship between the building and godliness. The building creates a connection to God since it was intended for retired priests from Rome. The design of Villa Capra Rotonda resembles that of most of the churches across Italy and Greek especially the inclusion of the semi-hemispherical domes at the building centre, hence a representation of heaven (Frommel., 2007, p. 48). Villa Capra Rotonda is located on a hilltop outside Vicenza in Italy. Most of the ancient churches were located away from the urban areas creating a God atmosphere for worshiping. Villa Rotonda is located in the countryside of Vicenza city which would give the pope an excellent atmosphere to pray and relate with God. The isolated location of the Villa is another reflection of its relationship with God. This is because; churches were not located in crowded places and the patron of Villa Rotonda decided to construct a resident who

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, setting plays an important role as it helps the reader understand the atmosphere Steinbeck creates. The novel has four major settings that are the Salinas River, the bunkhouse, Crooks room, and the barn. The first and last setting in the novel is by the Salinas River. Steinbeck creates the setting as being idealistic and like the Garden of Eden. The place is described as `fresh’ and `twinkling’ creating a beautiful image. Steinbeck uses different techniques such as a metaphoric transition between the `golden foothill slopes’ and `strong†¦ rocky Gabilan mountains’. Steinbeck uses a metaphoric transition between the `golden’ slopes, giving a smooth and warm feeling, compared to the `rocky’ mountains. The transition represents opposites in nature but this also links with George and Lennie, being very different from one another; Lennie is described as having `bear’ like features such as `big paws’ and `wide, sloping shoulders’. However George is defined as being his `opposite’ with `slender arms’ and being `small and quick’. In the beginning of the book, the two friends shared their feelings, expectations and a combined dream of becoming independent from reality. George also planned an escape route for Lennie as he is expecting trouble ahead. The men are on their way to a ranch looking for work, as they had to run away from the troubles they left behind in Weed, although many more problems will arise through the journey. The scene is set just outside the town Soledad, which means solitary, suggesting the men’s aloneness with the world, even though George and Lennie are a pair, they have lost and lonely minds filled with empty dreams and aims. But like the Garden of Eden, not everything is as perfect as it seems. In the final scene Lennie returns to the river alone in fear of the consequences following his earlier actions. Steinbeck describes the setting with the sun `climbing up the slopes’ showing the uses of personification, and is running away from the problems Lennie is faced with, just like he has done. A `snake’ swims along the river, representing a symbol of Eden’s evil, and the end of the dream. The snake swims along the pool until it reached a heron, which represents purity and patience, the neck of the `motionless’ heron `lanced down’ and `plucked it out by the head’ swallowing the snake whole. The evilness of the snake is gently eased by the purity of the heron, until `another little water snake’ saw up the pool, gently swaying side to side. The evil of the snake represents the death caused by Lennie, and then getting eaten away by the patience heron, to return soon after. Having the beginning and end set in the same place, represents the cycle of George and Lennie’s life till the death of Lennie and the almost certain dream. The second setting; the Bunkhouse, is where Steinbeck shows the hard, basic and lonely life the migrant workers live, with very basic and shared accommodation. Steinbeck describes the bunkhouse with `unpainted’ floors and `small square windows’, with `eight bunks’ for the men with space for any personal possessions in an `apple box’ nailed above each bunk. The bare possessions owned by the men included basic toiletries, tools, medicines and Western magazines as a form of little entertainment. They seemed to have nothing valuable, sentimental or beautiful in their lives, showing doubt and unhappiness. The workers had medicines showing they were expecting to become ill at any time, living in the basic conditions with a long hard labour. The only entertainment described by Steinbeck includes `Western magazines’ and `playing cards’ showing the men’s lives are basic, plain and not many activity’s for the men. The bunkhouse gives no privacy and offers no real comfort for the men after their long day at work, through the harsh living conditions, Steinbeck shows us the brutal world in which only the fittest can survive. The men living in the bunkhouse are described as being aggressive meaning Lennie and George must constantly be on guard as the men are mistrustful of each other, and the bosses’ son, Curley, constantly itching for a fight, because of his position on the ranch. Chapter four shows the hard life for the weak, disabled black farmer Crooks. The man is isolated because of his colour, meaning he is separated from the company of other men to make his life more bearable. His loneliness has made Crooks into a bitter character, with fear of being hurt more. The room where Crooks lives is described as `a little shed’ with limited possessions including books, medicines and a pair of glasses. Crooks is shown as a intelligent man wanting more in his life, as his books include the `Californian civil code’. He is described as a `proud, aloof man, with eyes that `glitter with intensity’. The accommodation Crooks lives in shows his little value. Later in the chapter we find that Crooks used to be accepted as part of the community in Soledad, but was left alone when other black families moved away. The chapter ends as it began, lonely and bitter. As a shelter for animals, Steinbeck uses the barn to show the non-deliberate murders of Curley’s wife, and the new-born puppy, killed by Lennie and his animalistic features. Lennie doesnt understand why the puppy got killed, since it is so much bigger than a mouse causing him to `cover it over in hay’ in his frustration. Lennie’s thought quickly turn to the rabbits that he would tend in the dream as he threats his precious and meaningful role, would be destroyed. The location is best suited to the murders, as it symbolises the death of the dream and animals such as the dead mouse, the dead dog of Candy, Curley’s wife and the dead puppy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Prepare A Personal Development Plan Nursing Essay

Prepare A Personal Development Plan Nursing Essay This paper seeks to prepare a personal development plan in my objective to become a leader in an organization. I will analyze the requirements of the targeted job in relation to my inventory of skills including my strengths and weaknesses in relation to the requirement of a goal in mind for which I am willing to know my deficiencies in terms of skills. I will therefore have to make an action plan on how to correct my deficiencies and to improve on my weaknesses to take advantage of my strengths in attaining a target job that I want to have and quality of a person that I want to happen as a result. 2. The Goal, Requirements, Deficiencies and the Strategies 2.1 My goal and its requirements The goal of this plan is to be able to attain the position of Pricing analyst which requires the following: having strong analytical skills and ingenuity to provide logical solutions to nonstandard issues, having a strong mathematical aptitude as well as well developed communication skills (written and verbal), being computer literate (including working knowledge of Excel and Word) and possessing the values of resourcefulness, organizational skills and ability to coordinate activities across company function. It further requires having demonstrated ability to work well under pressure to meet critical deadlines, having the ability to adapt to changing priorities and handle multiple tasks and having an exceptional attention to detail and problem solving skills. 2.2 Determined deficiencies and the causes of their perceived causes of having them Using as basis the job requirements and compare the same with my present inventory of skills, I found out that the targeted job requires the need for demonstrated ability to work well under pressure to meet critical deadlines as well as at the ability to adapt to changing priorities and handle multiple tasks. I believe this requires utmost patience on the part of person to be hired for the job. A patient person will not be easily being cowed into giving up for pressure as the person would normally consider pressure as part of the job. A patient person will also find the need to adapt to changing priorities and handling multiple tasks to be part of the challenge. I definitely need to be more patient partly because of my attitude of perfectionism which is rather out of proportions sometimes. Further comparison of my inventory of skills with the requirement of the job revealed that my verbal communication skills are weak as may be proved from past experiences when I have delegated tasks to people that resulted to some misunderstandings. I have diagnosed the in many instances times about the reasons for these misunderstandings and I found them in failure to make my instructions in a way that may be fully and intelligently understood. In wrongly believing that my own understanding results to my teammates understanding, I really have made a short cut of effective communication which is creating inefficiency to my job. I find deficiency also in my organizational skills as evidenced by my having overlooked a lot of times important details in my job because of deficient communication skills, failure to delegate and ineffectiveness if making motivations to my people. 2.3 Strategies to address deficiencies with corresponding time table The way I am going to tackle these leadership deficiencies is to set up a plan where I can draw on personal and others feedback. I have talked to my manager, supervisor, and other coworkers and they have agreed to provide feedback to me on these three subjects. I am going to keep a journal, as well, so that I can track my own thoughts and feelings about how I am handling and improving in these tasks. Also, I plan to do some research on all there subjects so that I may obtain further information on these subjects. The following are the things that I plan to do within my time table. Improving Patience On the basis of the above, I found out that I really lacked patience; I have decided to increase my patience in more systematic manner. My high anxiety level, which causes me to get short with people, could really be bad if I will not improve my patience. I am planning to monitor my progress and evaluate myself weekly on my patience levels. In a year I want to get to a point where I can handle any situation, no matter what that entails. I want to get to the point where I dont let my anxiety interfere with my job duties and interactions with other. Having stated earlier that lack of patience may be caused by my attitude of perfectionism, I feel addressing the latter is crucial to my development as a person for the desired job. Perfectionism makes me feel that I should always be imposing to people the highest requirement for many work activities without may be considering their capacities. My strategies for improvement of correction of said perceived caused of lack of patience are to analyze the importance of having something perfect in relation to realistic goals of every activity. Since every activity may have its deadline, I would devised an improve schedule so that I will not push myself unnecessarily on things. But since I may never know if I am progressing on this activity, I would measure my progress and my criteria for measuring the same would be to have less frustration with progress while ensuring that work is still successfully accomplish. The time table for this is one month intervals Improving communication One of the requirements of the targeted job is having a strong mathematical aptitude as well as well developed communication skills (written and verbal). Finding my skills to be lacking in this respect, I have decided to effectively improve my verbal communications skills continually by relying on feedback from manager and supervisors in my present job as well as peers and family and friends. In my own analysis what is causing my poor communication is the spontaneous and impulsive comments to teammates as I perceived bad comments in return making such irresponsive comments which offend their feelings, hence I would really need to reflect on how my comments would affect others. This is in addition to developing of course and an effective communication plan verbally and in writing. To know whether I would be progressing I would be recording my observance of the absence of negative peer reactions as well as my observation of positive oral feedback from family and friends. I am also giving month intervals ask for feedback from peers and family/friends Improving organization skills Organization will be one of my other big hang-ups and I think this should be evaluated daily by keeping a journal of my tasks as well as a calendar to avoid mistakenly overlooking anything. I believe this will take time to improve, and with the help of my observations, research, and others feedback, I could o be proficient in the skills within the next three years. For the meantime I have short goals as explained below. One way to improve this is to through having the skill to improve delegation. My rather poor delegation is basically rooted in the fear of poor teammate contributions resulting in team failure. I believe this could be corrected by building on trust with my team mates by being first becoming a trust worthy person. Delegation entails trusting people to do it with confidence to their abilities under given circumstances. In the case of team mates, I would have to realize the extent also of my influence so that I would not be ending up delegating everything. In addition I should be developing a system of evaluations of teammates since it is only in giving them the proper feedback that they would have the chance to improve themselves. The time table for this of course, requires that at checkpoints of project, I will have to assess feelings of comfort of myself and my teammates and address any problems immediately as may be necessary. Another way of correcting this perceived weakness is to utilize an equal work policy. Under this arrangement, some my teammates would not necessarily be burdened with having more than expected and this will have a chance of reducing really the fear of poor teammate contributions resulting in team failure. Still another way of accomplishing this strategy is for me to build in checkpoints for making sure that projects are on time. This simply means that making a reliable schedule to monitor and follow through that projects are on in fact accomplished on time. As a way of measuring my progress in this strategy, I would have to be chance to measure my progress, with myself personally performing less work that would result to utilizing more time to proper and maximum functioning of my teammates. This development should also be seen in my new developed ability to trust teammates that would lead more to better relationships with them by having a confidence in the result of their work. Another way to improve organizational skills is to improve my forcefulness in motivating people. As a consequence of poor communication skills, my capacity to motivate or move people is just as limited to a great extent. My strategies for this target is includes attend additional classes on leadership (Erez, M. et. al, 2001), reading pertinent books on motivation (Maddock and Fulton, 1998) and utilizing an effective communication. Motivation on organization is a big deal since organization basically involves people who need to have the internal drive to what they need to do. Given the fact that organization may not provide every thing what workers may need, I can top a great potential from them by knowing each of my team mates and really find out what drives to excel of perform better in their job. I would only be able to verify the attainment of these targets if there are positive responses of others to my improved motivational skills. If small goals get accomplished I would be pretty sure that I making a great motivation job on my teammates more often Another way of measuring the accomplishment of this strategy is the reality of having an accomplished goals and positive team responses. The time table to evaluate others responses and behaviors would be to undertake each monthly. 3. Conclusion Based on the above plans I believe I would be able to attain the target of becoming a price analyst. The requirements of the targeted position are very clear and I was honest enough to use the requirements to gauge whether I could actually satisfy the same. Driven therefore by the realization that I needed some skills, I should have the courage to correct my deficiency by tracing what are the behaviors that are causing me not to have the much desired requirements of the targeted position in terms of skills. I have categorized the some major requirements of the job as requiring the value of patience from the need for demonstrated ability to work well under pressure to meet critical deadlines as well as at the ability to adapt to changing priorities and handle multiple tasks. So important is the value of patience in the job and which I have carefully analyzed could be acquired by training me to consider work pressures as normal consider s part of the job that would also help me to adapt to changing priorities and handle multiple tasks to be part of the challenge. Improving communication between me and the people in the organization was could be by addressing the behavioral cause, that is the spontaneous and impulsive comments to teammates that I commit sometimes based from perceived bad comments. I would just have to stop offending their feelings by my having an honest reflection on how my comments would affect others. This is in addition to developing of course and an effective communication plan (Thorson and Moore, 1996) verbally and in writing which may involved the applicable of basic principles of effective communication that would be read in theory and experience if the actual workplace. Getting the right feedback from peers and friends would accomplish much for this. Improving my communication skill is also closely related with improving organization skills which I will have to develop over time through my observations, research, and others feedback. Having targeted to be proficient in the skills within the next three years, I believe would be realistic enough considering my targeted developed skills for communication. To improve organization skill requires me to improve delegation which I found to having been restricted by my fear of poor teammate contributions resulting in team failure. Being correctible by building on trust with my teammates by being first becoming a trust worthy person, I believe that my decision to delegation put me in the very right path to fully attain an integrated organizational skill (Heller et. al., 1998). I am however cautioned by knowing some limits in my planned delegation by doing still what I need to do best under the circumstances in avoiding to delegating everything. By my honest development of a system of evaluations of teammates, that would give them the proper feedback, I am hoping for the best about the accomplishment of this plan. Appendix: Chart of Personal Development Plan Skill to Improve Causes of Behaviors Strategies Measurement Time table for Assessing Progress Patience Perfectionism Analyzing the bad effects of too much perfectionism Making a working schedule Effective delegation to team mates -reduced frustration -successful accomplishment of work without much stress Will be monitored monthly Delegation Fear of poor teammate performance Make a system of evaluation of teammates Make an à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“equal work policy. Making sure that deadlines are followed Less work to be performed more time for the main requirement of the job Assess feeling of teammates if delegation is received with respect Effective Communication Irresponsible and impulsive comments Reflect on the effect of comments and reduce the same if necessary Design and effective communication plan Absence of negative peer reactions Positive feedback from friends, managers and supervisors Must be confirmed monthly Motivation Poor oral and written communication skills Read good books on communication skills. Attend seminars related to Office communications Willingness of others to have more responsibilities Attained output targets Evaluation should be done monthly or as often as possible